Monday, September 8, 2014

"Kasich Puts Ohio Kids First" - A Guest Post from Allen Peele

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This week marks the end of summer as schools begin to start up again and kids head back to class with their backpack full of supplies ready for another year of learning. When it comes to schooling, it is often most important to have a solid, educational program set up from the very beginning, starting with preschool and kindergarten programs within schools. Education is such an important issue not only in Ohio, but also across the nation, and it’s so important here in Ohio that our Governor, John Kasich, received bi-partisan support on the recent changes he made to preschool programs throughout the City of Columbus.

In Columbus, Governor John Kasich (R) and Mayor Michael B. Coleman (D) joined together to announce they are working on a plan to put state and city money towards 160 different preschools that are currently only part-time slots into full-time slots for families that live under the poverty line. This means that kids which could only afford to go part-time to these preschools before can now go to these preschools full time. This results in more schooling for these under-privileged kids, thus giving them a better start in life. These kids get the chance to learn in a safe, structured environment just like many others their age and they won’t’ start behind just because their family doesn’t have the money to pay for it. Education is important for all kids, especially those which might not be as financially sound as others because it gives them a chance to better themselves and rise above the situation they were born into. In other words, if these kids did not have the same opportunities as other kids their age, they would remain behind their entire life and would be less likely of breaking the cycle.

Governor Kasich realizes that bettering the life of Ohioans, starting with making sure these kids get a decent education, is more important than playing politics and toeing the line. He wanted to make sure these kids had a great start, and his cooperation with Mayor Coleman made it happen for these Columbus kids. Kasich knows his job is to improve the lives of Ohioans everywhere, no matter what party helps him achieve just that. Yes Kasich is the Republican gubernatorial candidate, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get support from the other side of the political aisle in order to accomplish what he needs to get done. This expansion of the preschool programs in Columbus is just one shining example of Kasich putting Ohioans before politics.

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