Thursday, September 18, 2014

“Last Mondays” at Versailles Museum

Last month we enjoyed hearing all those teacher tales from our retired teachers. What a wonderful afternoon of renewed friendships and memories.

Our September, “Last Monday” on September 29th we will gather for round two of our Veteran’s Round Table Chat.

When something is so well received we promised to do it again and so here we go.

Thanks to our Veteran and museum friend, Tom Mendenhall who will lead the discussion, as we gather Veterans from W.W.II to the current military to share their experiences. From the battlefield to the friendships, we want to hear all your stories. We also want to hear about life at home while you were serving.

We have partnered with our friends at Versailles High School Media Class who will join us to preserve this piece of history for our museum files.

Please feel free to bring stories and pictures. If you are not a Veteran, you are still most welcome and encouraged to attend.

After the program there will be time to enjoy the displays around the Museum. So call your friends and invite them to this special afternoon.

Each afternoon ends with a delicious homemade dessert and coffee (and of course we appreciate your generous donations to keep these programs coming).

So mark your calendars for September 29th at 1:00 p.m. and join us at the Museum for a day of remembrance.

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