For the past 14 years, State of the Heart Hospice has conducted Camp BEARable for grieving children. Nearly six hundred youth have attended camp over the years. The nonprofit agency last year added something new to the Camp BEARable experience: A permanent metal fence which contains small bears, each carrying the name of a loved one for each of the campers. The fence is on the grounds of the Spiritual Center of Maria Stein where the camp is held each summer.
“The fence and the personalized bears provide a permanent, visible testimony for honoring and remembering the many who are loved and who are no longer with us,” stated Traci Straley, Director of Social Services for State of the Heart Hospice. “The fence with the colorful bears is something that the campers and their families can visit at any time.”
On Sunday, September 28 at 2 p.m., new bears will be added to the fence during ceremonies conducted at the fence on the grounds at the Spiritual Center. Children who attended camp this past summer, their parents and loved ones and volunteers who helped at the camp are invited to attend the ceremony. The fence is located on the left in a tree shaded area across from the pond as you drive in to the Maria Stein grounds. There is plenty of parking near the fence.
Camp BEARable is free and is for any child, ages six to 15, who is experiencing difficulty with grief. The camp is open to any child, regardless of association with hospice. Over the weekend, the campers enjoy a mixture of fun and games with serious dialogue about grief and their personal feelings. Consistently, those attending camp say they feel they are in a “safe” environment and for the first time, realize that others feel as they do. They feel comfortable talking about their grief and loss of a loved one.
State of the Heart Hospice, with offices in Greenville, Coldwater and Portland, cares for patients and families in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness. For more information visit the agency’s web site at