Monday, September 8, 2014

The Olde Thyme Gardeners of Darke County Parks to meet at noon on Tuesday (Tomorrow!)

The Olde Thyme Gardeners of Darke County Parks meet at noon on Tuesday, September 9, in the Shawnee Prairie Preserve Nature Center on Route 502. The group welcomes anyone who is interested in gardening to bring a sack lunch and join the discussion. Weather permitting, they will work in the garden. For more information -

Andrea Long from Randolph County, Indiana is the new president who brings a wealth of energy and knowledge about heirloom gardening and related early 1800's living. Bethany DuPuy, the departing president and long time Greenville resident, moved to Miami County where she continues as a Master Gardener Volunteer with the OSU Miami County Extension.

The Olde Thymne Gardeners plan and plant an early pioneer type kitchen garden near the log house at Shawnee Prairie Preserve. The small group of dedicated enthusiasts researches the types of plants that would have been used by the early settlers in Darke County in the 1820's - 1830's era.

The garden may be viewed by looking over the stockade style wooden fence during normal park hours. A couple dozen perennial herbs such as Nasturtium, Comphrey, Marshmallow and Thyme may be observed. The annual demonstration area features "the three sisters" - corn, beans and squash.

The Olde Thyme Gardeners contributed a tote bag of gardening delights for the Prairie Days Basket Raffle. For the holidays, they will decorate a Christmas tree with mostly natural materials.

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