Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Left to right:  Steve Hottle, Jeff Bailey, Angela McMurry, Steve Schlechty, and John Dutro.  Photo by Joe Van Vickle.
Members of Greenville Masonic Lodge No. 143, contributed $380.00 to help sponsor the 2015 Upper Valley Science Days in Darke County. The event will take place on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at the Greenville High School. Last year 45 students in grades 6-12 took part in this event, which helps students develop a more hands on understanding of science and technology as well as allowing them to explore potential careers. Student who participate in this event receive well-deserved recognition and the potential for college scholarships. Those present for the check presentation were Jeff Bailey, Worshipful Master of Greenville Masonic Lodge, Angela McMurry, Science Curriculum Coordinator for Darke County ESC, Steve Hottle, Mason and science fair judge, John Dutro, Mason and science fair judge, Joe VanVickle, Mason and science fair judge, and Steve Schelechty, Mason and secretary of Greenville Masonic Lodge. The members of Greenville Masonic Lodge are happy to contribute to the future of our youth.

Freemasonry is the oldest, largest and most widely recognized fraternal organization in the world. Today, there are more than 2 million Freemasons in North America alone. Charity is an important tenet of the Masonic fraternity. The 90,000 Masons in Ohio provide approximately $15 million in charitable giving annually. Their efforts include college scholarships, support of the Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games, and free training enabling Ohio schoolteachers to recognize students at non-academic risk.

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