Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tough Lost For Lady Bowlers

The Lady Tigers lost a tough match Saturday, February 7th to the undefeated Wapakoneta Redskins with a score of 2582-2463 at Westgate Lanes in Lima. “Going into the match the girls knew that this was going to be a tough match and the girls would have to bowl there “A” game in order to win and have a 3 way tie for first place in the conference,” said Coach Phlipot. Bowling at Westgate Lanes is never easy as the lanes are old wood and usually are very dry, meaning the ball will hook a lot more and create tougher angles to the pocket. Leading the way for the Tigers where Megan Ward (178-166), Hannah Niekamp (174), Olivia Breuning (161-170).

In the first game the Tigers started out a little slow losing 848 to 784 causing the Tigers to have a 64 pin deficit going into game two. Coach Phlipot reminded the girls to keep their heads up knowing there was a lot more bowling ahead. In game two the Lady Tigers lost 849-764. Unfortunately, the Tigers spare game cost them. The Tigers were down 149 pins heading into baker games and were hoping for a comeback. The Lady Tigers came out firing in the first 4 Bakers games 222,194,161,212 to Wapakoneta’s 169,182,193,169. Heading into the last baker game the Tigers where down 76 pins and Coach Phlipot encouraged the girls to remain positive. The last game got off to a slow start and the Tigers fell to the Redskins.

This was a tough loss said Coach Phlipot, “I told the girls I was proud that they didn’t give up and they really made Wapakoneta work hard and earn the win.” Progress was seen in the girls’ baker games. This has been something we’ve really worked hard as a team to improve. The Tigers will continue to work hard in practice knowing that tournament play is just two weeks away.

The last conference match against LCC at 20th Century Lanes in Lima is on Saturday February 14th. The Lady Tigers will start tournament play on February 18th at Marion Lanes in Huber Heights. To view stats and standings go to

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