Monday, March 16, 2015

2015 Spring Wellness Challenge

The 2015 Spring Wellness Challenge is a free six week on-line email challenge designed to help participants improve their health by encouraging physical activity, enjoying healthy foods, and practicing sound fitness suggestions. Those who sign up will receive two weekly e-communications from Ohio State University Extension containing research based nutrition, health and fitness information. Additional tracking logs will be available for download to help participants document their progress, as well as access to supplemental information available on Blogs and Facebook. A pre- and post-assessment online survey will be used to gather comments to improve future challenges and track members’ progress.

Participants will learn about adding more vegetables and fruits to their diet, finding ways to move, trying new recipes, visiting local food sources, planting an herb/vegetable/fruit in a container or plot garden, seasoning with herbs instead of salt, and managing stress and maintaining a positive attitude.

Interested in joining this on-line challenge?

Follow this link to sign-up on line:

You’ll be enrolled and begin receiving e-communications starting late March. The Challenge lasts from March 30 to May 10, 2015. If you have questions, please feel free to contact your OSU Extension Program Coordinator in Darke County, Diane Barga at or 937-548-5215.

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