Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Displaced Reid practices, departments to reopen at 1350 Chester

The medical practices and Reid departments that were displaced by water damage at 1350 Chester Boulevard in February are reopening this week, Reid officials said Monday.

Reid Medical Associates and Reid Urgent Care will be back in their spaces Tuesday, March 10, said Jim Hayes, Executive Director of Reid Physician Associates. He said Monday that the work to clean up and repair the building progressed faster than originally expected after a pipe break on Feb. 19. “The Reid Engineering crew and the contractors involved did an amazing job,” he said.

The cold weather-related break in a high-pressure sprinkler line in the attic was discovered quickly, but still flooded two floors of one wing of the 1350 building in less than 15 minutes. The most severe damage was to the Reid Medical Associates practice and the basement area below it that housed more than 30 work stations for Reid Information Services. The lack of a working sprinkler system also affected Reid Urgent Care, the Reid Sleep Diagnostics Center and the Reid Radiology School, all of which moved into temporary locations.

The relocations affecting patients involved Urgent Care, which used space next door at 1250 Chester for two days and then opened at Reid Orthopedic Center on Highland Road; and Reid Medical Associates, a physician practice that squeezed into smaller space next door and reopened on Tuesday, Feb. 24.

Patients who were scheduled for sleep studies were contacted for rescheduling, Hayes said.
Information Services and Radiology School staff relocated to other Reid properties, including other buildings on Chester Boulevard and in temporary spaces on Reid’s main campus at 1100 Reid Parkway.

All departments should be back in their original spaces by Thursday. “We look forward to getting operations back to normal,” Hayes said.

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