Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Pictured is Ashley, one of last year’s participants along with her supervisors from Deb & Ambrosia’s Wildflowers in New Madison.
Would you and your company like to make a difference in the life of a young person this summer in Darke County? Many of today’s youth face the obstacle of obtaining experience and work in our community. You can help by becoming a partner host employment site this summer for the WIA Summer Work Program.

The Council on Rural Services (CORS) along with Gateway Youth Programs and WIA Darke County is looking for local profit or non-profit employers that can provide opportunities of mentoring and job training for youth and young adults aged 14 to 21.

WIA will provide the applicants, pay their wages and offer job support to the youth participants.
Business host sites will provide job training and mentoring for youth.
All will benefit by working together to create positive futures for the emerging workforce of youth in the county.

Together your business and our agency, which has served and supported youth in our community for 26 years, creates a win-win partnership situation. Jointly the collaboration can provide the tools needed for today’s youth to successfully transition into the workforce and adulthood which benefits the whole community.

You can help jump start a youth towards reaching their career goals! If you are interested and would like to help area young people learn necessary job skills, call today to find out more information about becoming a host employment site. You can reach Kathy Kenworthy, Youth Advocate, at the WIA Youth Program at 937-548-8002.

WIA Youth is funded by the Department of Labor/Workforce Invest Act through Darke County Department of Job and Family Service and the Darke County Commissioners.

If you would like to know more about other Gateway Youth Programs in Darke County check the web at or call and speak with Ruth Barga, Support Specialist, at 937-548-8002. Gateway Youth Programs and WIA is a program of Council on Rural Services … programs for innovative learning.

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