Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lincoln Funeral Train Tribute

The “United States” was the railroad equivalent of Air Force One. Lincoln never rode in it alive. It was converted to a funeral car after his death.
The Lincoln Funeral Train stopped in Bradford to resupply with fuel and water on April 30, 1865. A number of citizens were allowed on the funeral car to pay their respects. The train then entered Gettysburg at 1:10 AM and then went on to Greenville at 1:36 AM. Greenville held a memorial where 500 people gathered at the station.

It’s a fascinating piece of American History that took place in our backyard and Darke County Park District is celebrating with a weekend event. Saturday, April 18 from 10a-4p and Sunday, April 19, 9am-3pm, the Bridge Street trail hub in Gettysburg will be a flurry of activity including the 35th Light Infantry Civil War Re-enactors, a craft for children, Lincoln look-a-like contest and historic interpreters (on Sunday only) and much more.

For more information, please contact the Nature Center at 937-548-0165 or

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