Wednesday, June 3, 2015


With the end of May being rainy and cool, it may seem like summer will never get here. However, June is here now and hopefully the weather will be more like we expect with warmer temperatures and lots and lots of sunshine. While Memorial Day is the official start to summer, June is the month when all children are out of school, grilling out with friends, and summer get-togethers start to ramp up.

May was a so- so month in the Commissioner’s office. With the co-operation of the elected officials, we completed the mid-year budget requests in a very quick manner.

Our elected officials were asked to keep their budgets the same as last year for now until we can see what our insurance is going to do this year. We should know by September. Thanks to all of the departments for helping us to assess the needs of the County. Things continued to look up in the sales tax area, and as was just released for May, Darke County’s unemployment rate is back at 4%. Thanks to all of the residents of Darke County for continuing to buy locally. Buying locally not only supports local business, it assures that your money earned here, stays here. Thank you all for this effort. With the continued efforts of Marc Saluk and Lisa Wendel in the Economic Development office, work with our companies on expansion and workforce development continues to go forward. Lisa Wendel, the Career Pathway Coordinator for the County has some programs she would like to implement this school year, and later in the year. One program that will be repeated is Manufacturing Career Day this fall. This will give students in the County an opportunity to tour several of our manufacturer’s facilities and learn about a career in this ever expanding, and more technically advanced field. Electronics Recycling Day was held on May 20th, and was a big success. People turned in all kinds of electronic equipment that included TV’s, radios, computers, notebooks, phones, etc. Thanks to the staff and volunteers of our Solid Waste department for this worthwhile program. Another program from Solid Waste takes place in June will be Free Shred Day on Saturday June 6th at the Darke County Fairgrounds Swine Barn. The event will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. You can bring bank statements, personal files, receipts, medical and insurance forms, etc. This event is sponsored by Mercer Savings Bank. For more information contact the Darke County Solid Waste Management District at 937-547-0827.

As we have stated before, Darke County is a great place to live, and is a great value for the dollar. Smart Asset, a financial asset company, recently released a report stating where residents can get the most from their Social Security dollars. Darke County ranked #6 in the State of Ohio, and 154th nationally! The annual cost of living in Darke County was estimated at $15,008 annually with social security benefits averaging $16,810. These benefits are not taxed. For the complete report, go to

June is here, and that means the year is almost half over already. If you have not done so yet, why don’t you make an effort to come to one of our public meetings? We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Office located at 520 South Broadway, south of the Courthouse, in downtown Greenville. Hope to see you there!!

The Darke County Commissioners

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