Tuesday, June 2, 2015

State and County Winners in the 2015 Ohio Farmers Union Poster Contest

Winners of Ohio Farmers Union Poster Contest at both the state and county levels, Division II:  Luke Swenson and Alexis Slade of East Elementary in Greenville.
Two students from East Elementary School in Greenville were Division II winners of the 2015 Ohio Farmers Union poster contest and they also won prizes at the county level. The theme for this year’s contest was “Renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar” and Alexis Slade and Luke Swenson won first and second place, respectively, at the state level. Art teacher, Patrick Woehl, presented information on different forms of renewable energy to the students and then allowed them to create their own interpretations of how these types of energy generation could be used in our state and locally in the county. The monetary prizes from the state are $75 for 1st place awards and $50 for second place awards. As a testament to his generosity, young Master Swenson donated his award from the OFU to the school’s art class for supplies.

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