Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ohio Federation of Republican Women Honor Local Republican Woman

Local Resident honored with State Award

Recipient of the Ohio Federation of Republican
Women’s Tribute to Women, Carol Ginn (R) receives
congratulations from OFRW President Lyn Bliss (L)
COLUMBUS, OHIO – The Ohio Federation of Republican Women (OFRW) recently honored Carol Ginn at its Biennial Tribute to Women event. Ginn is a member of the Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRWC) that nominated her for the recognition.

“The women honored by the OFRW are outstanding examples of Republicanism in the OFRW and their local communities,” said OFRW President Lyn Bliss. “The Tribute to Women event honors unit club members who have given their time and talent to promote Republican candidates and values. In addition to supporting the election of excellent candidates - criteria for being honored may include things such as serving in government offices, accomplishing meaningful results in professional life, successfully rearing families and volunteering in civic and/or church organizations.”

Carol Ginn has been a member of the Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRWC) for twelve years. She is currently assistant treasurer of the club. She audits the OFRW accounts annually. Carol also handles the treasurers’ responsibilities for Darke County Republican Party. She has worked at Republican headquarters during election time, doing phone calls and mailings, walked in parades as well as gone door to door, helped in the Republican tent at the county fair, and participated in the Darke County Republican Pig Roast.

Prior to serving as Darke County Auditor for eight years, Carol was deputy auditor for 22 years. Before moving to the Darke County, she was employed by the Ohio Department of Tax Equalization for three years.

She is on the boards of the Darke County Credit Bureau, and the Boys’ and Girls Clubs. She belongs to the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. She is active in St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville, where she helps with the Christmas Bazaar, and with baking items for funeral luncheons.

Carol and husband Larry have three daughters. She is very involved with the care of both spouses’ elderly parents.

Founded in 1929, the OFRW has thousands of active members in local clubs across the state. The OFRW is affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women, one of the largest women’s political organizations in the country. The grassroots organization recruits and elects Republican candidates, advocates the GOP’s philosophy and initiatives, and empowers women in the political process. For more information regarding the OFRW, please visit

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