Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Two current students working on classroom writing projects.
GREENVILLE – The Achievement Center for Educational Success (ACES) is again celebrating the outcomes of their students in the first semester of this school year.

During the first semester of 2015-16 school year the program is reporting the following statistics and outcomes of the students.

  • 55 students were enrolled in 9th through 12th grades from seven school districts in Darke County and two schools in Miami County
  • 12 students have completed the required credits to graduate and will receive their diploma in May/June of 2016. Eight are currently have employment and one is in continuing education.
  • 190.5 credits were earned by the students during the semester
  • 20 of the students were or gained employment during the school year

Congratulations go to our “Honor Roll” students in the 2nd grading period. “A” – Courtney Cozart from Mississinawa Valley, “A-B” – Lauren Banis from Tri-Village, PJ Turner and Tanner Burgess from Arcanum, Jarrin Craiger, Allen Sheets, and Mason Harris from Mississinawa Valley, Makayla Goubeaux, Paige Waterbury from Franklin Monroe, Renee O’Reilly and Logan Garman from Covington and Skyler Reesby from Newton. We are proud of their achievements.

Some of the comments from students included:

  • Teachers were very helpful and believed that I would achieve,
  • They never judge you.
  • More of a one-on-one program that helps me,
  • ACES helped me to start motivating myself,
  • They help you understand and go at your own pace,

ACES is an alternative education program that was created as an off-site learning setting that enables youth to thrive and succeed in high school. According to Jeff Vaughn, Program Coordinator, “It is amazing how well the students do when they get a fresh start in a new environment. Being in a smaller setting, the staff can provide more one on one support along with building a trusting relationship.” The classroom instruction is provided at the ACES Greenville location. The unique aspect of ACES is student’s credits are transferred to their home school and their diplomas are from their home schools upon graduating.

The program staff includes a certified intervention specialist, two instructional aides, and the program coordinator. ACES also works in partnership with other agencies that add specialized classes for the students. There are weekly groups/classes conducted by Kelly Harrison from Darke County Wellness and Recovery, Jamy Friend from Darke County OSU Extension and a fine arts class taught by Karen Purke. Starting this semester a young men’s mentoring group is being facilitated by Pastor Gary Cloyd, Dave Hollinger and Dave King from Castine Church.

This collaboration of schools and ACES/Council on Rural Services has a goal of making sure all students receive the needed instruction to succeed and finish their high school education. We worked with the following schools in the first semester: Bradford, Tri-Village, Ansonia, Versailles, Franklin Monroe, Arcanum and Mississinawa Valley Schools in Darke County along with Newton and Covington Schools in Miami County.

For more information about the ACES program call Jeff Vaughn, program coordinator at 937-548-8002 or check the web site at The Achievement Center for Education Success (ACES) and Gateway Youth are programs of Council on Rural Services … programs for innovative learning.

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