Friday, October 7, 2016

Free Darke County Health Fair October 11, 2016

“Be Well At Every Age”

GREENVILLE, OHIO, October 6, 2016 – The 42nd annual Darke County Health Fair is Tuesday, October 11 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Darke County Fairground Youth Building, located at 800 Sweitzer Street in Greenville.

The Darke County Health Fair is free and open to the public. The fair will offer free health screenings, give-a-ways, door prizes, BINGO, chair massages, fun for kids and information on how to “Be Well At Every Age”.

“We are excited and proud to be able to offer this health fair for the 42nd year to the residents of Darke County,” said Kelly Sanning, Darke County Health Fair Committee member. We are also fortunate to be able to have the walk-thru colon again this year. Jill Brown, Wayne HealthCare Cancer Coordinator will be available to answer questions and discuss the importance of screenings and early detection.

Free health screenings include blood pressure, diabetes, visual acuity, height and weight, nutrition, hearing, blood glucose by finger stick, spinal-postural analysis, fall-risk assessments and bone density. Additional screenings will be offered at a reduced rate.

Wellness Panel: $50

The Wellness Panel consists of 14 Chemistry tests checking a wide variety of systems (fasting glucose for diabetes, renal disease, liver disease, bone health, and many more). A lipid panel will also be taken to evaluate hyperlipidemia as an index to coronary artery disease.

Vitamin D: $45

Vitamin D deficiency is a very common deficiency and plays an integral role in bone health and decreasing the risks for colorectal cancer, breast cancer and autoimmune diseases

A1C: $25

A1C is frequently used in conjunction with glucose fasting to diagnose diabetes. This test to access glucose control in diabetics

CBC: $25

The Wellness Panel consists of 14 Chemistry tests checking a wide variety of systems (fasting glucose for diabetes, renal disease, liver disease, bone health, and many more). A lipid panel will also be taken to evaluate hyperlipidemia as an index to coronary artery disease.

Flu Shot: $30

Flu shots are available for anyone 6 months and older. The Darke County Health Department accepts most insurance plans including Anthem, Medical Mutual, United Health Care, Medicaid and Medicare Part B.

Transportation is available to attendees by calling (937) 547-1181. If you are located outside of Greenville please provide 24-hour notice of a transportation need.

For more information please contact Nikkea Swick, Wayne HealthCare Marketing & Communications Coordinator at (937) 547-5925 or

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