You may have heard the plight of the Monarch Butterfly over the last few years. With their wintering grounds in peril from logging, weather, and human encroachment.
There are ways that we can help, even in Darke County. Starting on September 1st thru October 30st The Darke County Soil and Water Conservation District has be collecting seed pods from the Common Milkweed plant. Whether as an individual or a group you can still make a difference in the Monarch Butterfly population by collecting these pods. The Darke S.W.C.D. will be collecting these pods and sending them away to be dried and cleaned. A portion of these seed will be send back to Darke County to be incorporated with other seed mixes to be planted for pollinator species.
If you would like to help please call the Darke Soil and Water Conservation District at (937 )548 – 1752 or follow us facebook, twitter, or our website at to find out where the seed pods can be dropped off.
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