Darke County Retired Teachers Association (DCRTA) will hold its November luncheon meeting on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016, 11:30 a.m., in the Brick Room, Brethren Retirement Community. The program will include a Memorial service for those DCRTA members who have passed during the year, installation of officers for 2017, and a short presentation by Kelly Fliehman on the Backpack Program. Please plan to turn in your volunteer hours to Maxine Didier at the meeting. The lunch menu will be turkey & dressing, mashed potatoes & gravy, candied carrots, cole slaw, desserts, rolls, and drinks. Cost of the the meal is $8.00. Reservations need to be made before Nov. 2 to:
Jean Kelly
606 W. South St.
Arcanum, OH 45304
937-692-6248 (leave message if not home)
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