Monday, February 20, 2017

Olde Thyme Garderners Invite Susan F. Gray to Speak at Shawnee Prairie

The Olde Thyme Gardeners are pleased to inform you that Susan F. Gray, local historian and naturalist, will be speaking at Shawnee Prairie at 4267 State Route 502, Greenville, Ohio 45331 on Sunday, March 19 at 2:00 PM.

Susan Gray, a founder of the Darke County Park District, will speak on the practical uses and importance of Ohio native plants and their place in prairie systems. She is a longtime activist in preserving Darke County lands and history. As a Shawnee tribe member, she has educated the public on Native American culture. Susan Gray, also known as Tawaskote Menitsa, was given her name by Crow Woman, the Nation's Mother. Its meaning is" Prairie Spirits". Susan Gray is a rare individual. She was a pioneer in the preservation of the prairie. She took it upon herself to start the Shawnee Prairie with many obstacles. Darke County is very fortunate to have Susan Gray for many decades to ensure the past American environment is available to future generations. Susan has received many awards for her effort to preserve the grasslands. As you walk around the prairie with Susan, she is undaunted by the wonders of nature. She becomes your own knowledgeable guide of the past. She makes you feel welcome in the past of Darke County.

Come and join us and listen to our own local treasure as she shares her passion for preservation. The cost is $10 which includes refreshments. Registration forms will be available at the nature center and most local libraries, as well as on our blog. Please mail your registration form and $10 registration fee to Olde Thyme Gardeners, PO Box 74, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Registration deadline is March 10. 

Find us on Facebook for more information or check out our blog at Registration confirmation will be sent by email only.

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