Everyone is invited to the Towne Squares Quilt Club demos and displays at the Greenville Public Library on March 18th from 9:00 to 4:00. Librarian Rachel Brock writes “If you’ve ever wondered what goes into making a quilt or simply love the splendor and design of quilts, then stop in and the Towne Squares Quilt Club will be happy to answer any question you might have about quilting.”
The Club was formed over 30 years ago by Linda McGlothin and her late mother Leola Crowell. The business meeting is held the third Tuesday of the month in the BRC Brick Room at 7:00 p.m. They love new members so anyone interested in quilting is welcome.
The Club’s members span all levels of skills and experience. The annual dues of $15 covers tools, fabric, instructions, door prizes, and two big gift packages every July and December. Members are asked to help with the Quilt Show which takes place every October.
This year the Club will be working on 60 baby quilts to be donated to the Morgan’s First Gift project. Each quilt is 40X42 and made from flannel of baby-type prints and colors. Morgan’s First Gift is a layette given to first time mothers who are considered low income or under privileged when they leave the hospital. It may include pajamas, an outfit, washcloth and soap, bottles, a small toy as well as a handmade quilt.
Being a part of a Club provides additional benefits such as friendship, mentorship, and camaraderie. The Club auctions quilts each year for charity and donates quilts to Hospice. For more info please see facebook.com/TowneSquaresQuiltClub.
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