Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Current State of What Used to Be Greenville's East School

While playing with the kids in the backyard the other evening, we kept hearing the sounds of heavy machinery. Not knowing what it was, it sparked a sort of excited curiosity about what exactly was going on.

A few minutes later I remembered that East School was due for demolition.

I drove by the next morning and took these photos. These buildings meeting their demise is bittersweet. I was 100% in favor of the levies for the new school and my feelings on the need for it has not wavered, but seeing buildings full of such history and longevity be reduced to rubble is a bit sad.

When you first come around the corner or approach the property, the sheer volume of the open space is startling, particularly if you live nearby or have traveled past it on a regular basis.

I grew up across the street from the old high school in Ansonia and saw those buildings transform from historic monuments to the open grass field that is there today. The sensation of seeing emptiness where once large community centerpieces stood is not something that you would expect to experience often, I would imagine, but our county has seen it a lot over the last couple of decades.

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