Friday, July 7, 2017


Photo provided by Megan Davis
The Fairy Garden workshop held recently at the Arcanum Public Library was a smash hit. Nearly 40 patrons of all ages attended the 90 minute session, and each one of them had a great time.

Local resident Carolyn Furlong was kind enough to share her passion for fairy gardens and all things mini. She brought in many of her own tiny treasures to share with the attendees, and her enthusiasm for creating them was evident. Her knowledge, blended with practical advice and humor made for a great evening. Door prizes were handed out, as well as plants for anyone who wanted them. Plant selection was talked about, as well as how to take care of them. A discussion on how and where to find items to place in a fairy garden turned into a wonderful sharing session by attendees.

Everyone left with a bit of knowledge, a plant, their very own garden if they brought in a container, and a smile on their face.

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