Friday, September 1, 2017


John Tabler
Greenville, OH. - The Greenville BPW club meeting will be hosted by the Legislative committee with members Sherrie Foster (chair), Dorothy Poeppelman, Brenda Miller, and Diane Delaplane on Thursday, September 14th.

John Tabler will be the featured speaker for the meeting. He is the intensive supervision officer for the Darke County Adult Probation Department and has been with the probation department for 26 ½ years. He is married with two children and resides in Greenville. He is also is the quarterback coach for the Greenville High school football team. He will discuss the legal changes in probation, sentencing changes and funding, along with a discussion about heroin.

Diane Delaplane, BPW member, will also share levy information from the board of elections.

Following the speaker, plans will be discussed for the club’s annual guest night, which will be held on October 12tth. This is one of the club’s fund raisers for their scholarship fund for Darke County young women. The theme again this year will be “What a Girl Wants” and will include a silent auction, super raffle and vendors.

The September 14th dinner meeting will begin at 6:30 pm at the Brick Room at the Brethren Retirement Community, 750 Chestnut, Greenville. The Greenville BPW Club would like to invite women interested in learning more about the Club to the meeting. Contact Marilyn Emmons at 548-5024 or by noon on Monday, September 5th, 2017 to make a reservation to attend this meeting. The cost is $12.00 per person. The Greenville BPW Club’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.

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