October seems to be the official start of the Holiday season, with Halloween being the first big event of the fall season. October is also the month that traditionally we try to manipulate time once again by turning our clocks back. This year we turn them back in the first weekend of November.
This month in the Commissioner’s office we have done a lot of tidying up of some Grant paperwork, always some meetings, and getting ready for department budgets and the move of our Vehicle maintenance department into the old State Highway Garage. This facility will provide much needed storage and room for the Sheriff, Engineer, Vehicle maintenance, and EMS trailers as well. This facility will stay with the County as long as it is for government purposes. This arrangement was originated by the State of Ohio Director Jerry Wray, who set up the program of using old sites for local governments if they choose. Thanks to the State of Ohio for helping out counties.
This past month the C.C.A.O. Energy Committee met on Wednesday the 25th to discuss the aggregate buying of Gas and Electricity for the future, plus elect their Executive Committee. Commissioner Stegall was elected Treasurer of the Committee. By using the buying power of a group of counties, Darke County has done very well in getting our Gas and Electric energy at very good and stable prices.
In other news, The Darke County Health and Wellness committee had their Health Fair on October 19th at Romers. This year the fair was bigger than ever for City and County employees. A lot of credit goes to Denise Dillman in our office for arranging, and working tirelessly on the Health Fair. Nice Job, Denise and Thank You! The Darke County C.I.C. Board has chosen a replacement workforce specialist, Tamara Marley. Tamala is taking the place of Lisa Wendel who has moved back into education. Tamala has experience working in this field, and formerly worked at the OSU Extension Office, and at the Developmental Disabilities office. We are sure she will be a great addition to the staff of the Economic Development office. Welcome aboard Tamala! On the Economic front, things are still moving along nicely, but we still have many jobs to fill for our companies. Keeping our young people here to live and work is the priority, and that will be a big part of Tamala’s job. If you need a job, or know someone who needs one and wants to move back here, you need to check out our website, hometownopportunity.com to look for a job, or to post your resume’, or to check out the companies biographies.
The airport Taxiway sealing project is completed, and now we wait for spring for the modernization of the runway and lights and a re-grading. The fuel sales at the airport have really picked up this year, and we are looking at doing some buying with other airports to save on price. We have a few events planned for the airport with this being the 50th Anniversary of the Airport in its current location. There are some projects not completed or started yet this year, so they will be tackled in the spring, as weather affects some of our plans. We will keep you posted.
Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are just around the corner, and with that is usually a slower pace here in the office. If you get the chance you need to come up to one of our Public sessions and see what is going on, and as a bonus, they are free! We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioner’s office, just south of the Courthouse in Greenville. Hope to see you this Holiday season!
The Darke County Commissioners
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