Wednesday, January 3, 2018

State Partners with Local Organizations to help Ohioans Stay Warm this Winter

HEAP Winter Crisis Program

The Community Action Partnership and Ohio Development Services Agency will help eligible Ohioans stay warm during the cold winter months. The Home Energy Assistance Winter Crisis Program provides eligible Ohioans heating assistance if they are disconnected from their heating source, threatened with disconnection or if they have less than 25 percent supply of bulk fuel. The program runs from November 1, 2017 until March 31, 2018.

“We want to help Ohioans stay warm this winter,” said David Goodman, director of the Ohio Development Services Agency. “Working with Community Action Partnership, we’re helping Ohioans manage their energy costs this winter.”

More than 400 families in Darke County were assisted through the Home Energy Assistance Winter Crisis Program last year.

Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirt of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other,

To qualify for the Winter Crisis Program, a household must be threatened with disconnection, have been disconnected or have less than a 25 percent supply of bulk fuel. The household must also have a gross income at or below 175 percent of the federal poverty level. For a family of four the annual income must be at or below $43,050. From November 2016 – March 2017, more than 104,799 Ohioans were helped by the program statewide.

Individuals interested in receiving Winter Crisis assistance must have a face-to-face interview at the local HEAP provider. Customers must bring the following items to their appointment:

  • proof of income (copies of pay stubs)
  • copies of their most recent energy bills
  • list of all household members with Social Security card and birth dates
  • proof of U.S. citizenship/legal residency for all household members
  • copy of rental lease

Examples of documents that are accepted to prove citizenship/legal residency include: a Social Security Card, birth certificate, U.S. Passport, naturalization paper/certification of citizenship, permanent VISA, and INS ID Card.

Ohioans can call the toll-free hotline at (800) 282-0880, Monday through Friday (hearing impaired customers may dial 711 for assistance or visit for more information about the Winter Crisis Program.

For more information about energy assistance programs call (800)282-0880 and for a list of energy assistance providers select option 2, or visit

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