Come one come all to the 56th Annual Darke County Sheriff’s Patrol Home & Sports Expo beginning Friday, April 6, 2018 at 4:00pm.
There will be an opening ceremony at 6:00pm. The show will continue on Saturday the 7th from 9:00am to 9:00pm and on Sunday, April 8th, 10:00am-4:00pm.
This is a free public event with donations accepted. Come experience this Great Expo in the Dairy & Beef Pavilion on the north side of the Darke County Fairground entering at the east entrance.
Over 110 vendors will be located inside and outside the pavilion. There will be recreational vehicles, camping, fishing and outdoor displays along with landscaping, home improvements and demonstrations. Experience the flavors from the Sheriff’s Patrol Kitchen and other exhibitor’s. Enjoy fishing in a live fishing pond, participate or cheer on the youth who compete in the Ohio State Championship Kiddie Tractor Pulls on Saturday and the National Kiddie Tractor Pulls on Sunday. The Greenville High School Wavaires will perform Friday night at 7:00. Saturday beginning at 10:00 will be a presentation by the Darke County Dog Committee.Barb Rethlake Studio performance at 5:30 and Spittin Image (the Swabb Brothers) at 7:00pm.
For further details about the Expo, please visit our Facebook page, DarkeCountySheriffsHomeShow or contact one of the committee members: Joe Wintrow, Jerry Bunch, Aaron Kruckeberg, Dick Rhoades, or Don and Diane Delaplane, 937 548 8799. This is a great event for all ages. Raffle tickets will be sold for fabulous Door prizes for which you do not need to be present to win. Come and support the Sheriff’s Patrol which is mainly funded by two fund raiser events a year, not taxes. Be sure to visit our businesses and great organizations. Hope to see you at the Home & Sports Expo, April 6, 7 and 8th, 2018.
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