Wednesday, June 13, 2018


May has certainly been an entertaining month in the Commissioner’s office! It seemed like every day there was a new challenge to deal with! We are hoping that this is because this is an election year, and as November gets closer maybe things will slow down to a normal pace! Let’s hope so.

The Darke County Economic Forum was held Friday May 4th at Romers in Greenville. The meeting was well attended, and Darke County is well set for future development and job growth. Our main focus, but not the only focus, is filling jobs and job growth. The Economic Development office encourages everyone to go to their website: and look at all the jobs available, put your resume on the site, and learn more about the
companies looking for people.

We have had several proclamations this month for future events; Farm Power of the Past from July 5th through the 8th, The Community Action Committee’s Awareness Month, and the Steam Threshers on June 28th thru July 1st. Commissioners Matt Aultman and Commissioner Mike Stegall presented awards at the Special Olympics on May 11th. This is always a fun event to attend and to watch the children truly enjoying themselves. We appreciate being asked to participate every year.

In other news, the jail was reopened on May 19th and all prisoners were returned. The final cost of the cleanup is being added up, with some bills still not in yet, but we expect the final cost to be well over $100,000. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to Miami and Mercer County jails for helping us at that time. It is very much appreciated. The Airport renovation project including pavement grinding, new lighting, resurfacing of the runway, and grading was started on May 14th. Sunesis Company has 71 days to complete the project, but if the weather cooperates, they may be done sooner. You can follow the progress on the Darke County Airport’s facebook page. The Manager, Seth Timmerman, has been taking aerial pictures with his drone so everyone can follow the progress. A substantial amount of dirt and asphalt grindings have already been moved, and paving and lighting should start soon, so stay up on the progress by viewing the facebook page.

Another project that has started isthe Midmark Research center in Versailles. This facility will be a welcome addition to the line-up at Midmark, and should continue their leadership in the Medical, Dental, and Veterinary fields. Congratulations to one of Darke Counties leading employers. The Brethren’s Home has started their construction project also. They are building new homes for people to buy in Greenville off Chestnut street and Oakwood. This is another of our great employers whose business continues to grow here in the County. While we are on expansion and new happenings, at the north end of Greenville, Whirlpool is installing their 3 Wind Turbines. That is something to see! The size of the turbines is fascinating, and their construction is fun to watch. If you get the chance, drive by and take a look. Thanks to all of our great companies who continue to see Darke County as their home for business.

The Memorial Day services around the county were all very well attended. This was good to see. Commissioner Stegall spoke to the gathering at Beamsville to a crowd of about 100, Commissioner Rhoades attended the services held at Gettysburg Cemetery, and Commissioner Aultman attended the services held at the Fort Jefferson Cemetery. Thank you to all who attended the services honoring those who had given their lives for the country, and realized that Memorial Day weekend is more than sales and BBQ’s.

Spring and Summer are finally here and things are starting to happen. Parade Season is upon us as well, so we will be out in the community at multiple events that started with Arcanum Old Fashion Days and ends with the Bradford Pumpkin Show in October. Find out what is happening by attending one of our meetings. We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 in the Commissioner’s Office, 520 S. Broadway in Greenville. Hope to see you there!

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