Friday, August 3, 2018

Greenville Eagles donates to Empowering Darke County Youth

GREENVILLE - The Greenville Fraternal Order of the Eagles recently gave donations to Empowering Darke County Youth and five other nonprofit organizations. The donations come from their Charitable Bingo Funds. The Empowering donation will be used to help provide snacks and professional tutors for the 2018-19 school year.

“The board of directors and I would like to thank the Eagles for the incredible support the organization is giving us,” said Eric Fee, President of Empowering Darke County Youth. “We are making a huge impact in the community and the Eagles are playing a major role in that.”

Empowering Darke County Youth was formed in 2016. Since then it has provided over 7,300 contact hours to more than 300 local students. It provides support in the academic basics – reading and comprehension, writing and math – for grades kindergarten through eight, although there are a number of students in high school who have also benefitted from the program.

“We’ve been privileged to help students at nearly all grade levels,” said Bob Robinson, Program Coordinator. “Every student who has consistently participated has shown improvement. Some of the improvement has been dramatic.”

Robinson added that in addition to paid tutors, who are also supervisors, Edison State students work with the youngsters, most of whom prefer being helped by students closer to their own age.

“Our Edison State students do a great job with these kids,” Robinson added. “They not only provide academic help, they are role models. It’s a win-win situation for our community.”

The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth is a United Way Partner Agency providing After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community.

The Greenville Eagles is a fraternal organization that supports its youth, seniors and community through donations and activities. Membership is open to the public. Applications can be requested at the Eagles: FOE 2177, 113 E. Third Street. The Eagles also gave donations to the Annie Oakley Festival Committee, Friends of Bear’s Mill, Main Street Greenville, Boys and Girls Club of Greenville and Greenville Instrument Boosters.

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