Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Left to right: BPW Treasurer Dorothy Poeppelman and donor BPW Member Deb Smith.
Greenville, OH – Greenville Business and Professional Women’s Club (BPW) member Deb Smith has chosen to donate $200 to BPW. Smith is an employee of Mercer Savings Bank that has always been deeply rooted in the communities it serves and believes in reinvesting in those communities is a large part of its mission. Through Mercer Savings Bank’s Giving Mission, each month, three employees are selected to choose a charitable organization to receive a $200 donation. Employees are requested to choose organizations that exemplify the values of the Bank as a whole. Deb Smith chose the Greenville Business and Professional Women’s (BPW) Organization. Deb stated, “I chose the BPW because the money we raise funds scholarships for women’s college educational needs. The fundraisers we have and donations we receive raise this money. Many of these ladies come back to our community and have given back to the community in so many heartfelt and positive ways. Many have also joined our BPW group as members when they get back to the county. I have been a member since 2010 and could not find a better group of hard working heartfelt women to be associated with. I am proud of all that this group of professional dedicated women does in helping to create a positive future for so many young women in our community!”

The Greenville BPW Club thanks Deb Smith and Mercer Savings for this donation. The money has been earmarked for the scholarship fund that lends support to the young women of Darke County continuing their education.

The Greenville BPW Club’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. The Club holds fundraisers through the year to raise money to grant scholarships to the young women of Darke County. The Club meets the second Thursday of every month for a dinner meeting. Those interested in learning more about the Club can contact Membership Chair Sonya Crist at 937/423-3657 or

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