It has been a couple years now since my life crossed paths with Matt Staugler. I was in a Chamber of Commerce meeting when Matt came in to introduce himself as the new Executive Director of the Darke County Visitors Bureau. Not knowing who he was, knowing that he was not from Darke County, knowing the previous person in his position, and knowing that he was younger made me go home that night and pray for him. I have been in those shoes; I knew what challenges and opportunities were in front of him and knew that he had a job ahead of him to be successful.
Once I got to know a little more about him, I was impressed. He left a good job, bought a house in Greenville, moved his young family, his wife left her job for a job in this county, and started a life here. Uncertain of the length of time he would be here, he committed himself fully to OUR community and OUR county. Matt is proud of his community and it shows through how much he cares about his neighborhood, the city, and the success of the community.
I have had the pleasure of working closely with Matt on projects that past couple of years. He takes an idea and delves into what we can do to make the most of it. He knows how to involve others and he knows how to promote a brand to draw people into our community. He has a work ethic that is unsurpassed by his passion.
Greenville and Darke County is a better place by having him in our community. That is why I support him for anything he sets his mind to because many reap benefits from his hard work. These reasons and many more are why you should consider him for city council on May 7th.
Matt Aultman
Greenville Ohio
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