Monday, July 22, 2019

Darke County Republican Women’s Club member Barbara Fee honored

Ohio Federation of Republican Women’s Tribute to Women award given to Fee

Barbara Fee receiving the OFRW’s “Tribute to Women” award. L to R: OFRW First Vice President Mary Beth Kemmer, Fee, and OFRW President Janet Kushlan.
COLUMBUS, OHIO – Barbara Fee, a member of the Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRWC) was recently honored by the Ohio Federation of Republican Women (OFRW) with its “Tribute to Women” award. Fee was recognized for her many accomplishments in support of the Republican Party, the Federation of Republican Women and her community.

“JJ Grey does a song called The Sweetest Thing. Every time I hear that song I think of Barb Fee. Besides being a wonderfully accomplished woman she is truly ‘the Sweetest Thing.’ Whenever she steps into a room she immediately makes it a nicer place to be. The world would be a much better place with more people like her in it. ” said Mary Beth Kemmer, OFRW First Vice President.

The event was held at the Worthington Hills Country Club, where Fee was recognized for the following accomplishments.

Along with her husband, Hershel, Barbara has pastored the Lighthouse Christian Center in Greenville, Ohio for 38 years. She has chaired the Community Christmas dinner for 36 years. An event that provides not only a free meal to over 300 attendees each year, but also a gift for each attendee and bicycles for 20-30 children each Christmas.

Barbara has been president of the Darke County Republican Women’s Club and Chaplain to the club for many years. She is currently Chaplain for the Ohio Federation of Republican Women—a position in which she has served for the past six years. She has been a National Federation of Republican Women Regent and attended the 2016 Republican Convention in Cleveland.

She was elected Treasurer for the City of Greenville in 2005 and served in that office for 11 years, until her retirement.

Barbara served on the Darke County Republican Executive Committee for more than 11 years. She has co-chaired the Darke County Republican Party’s Hog Roast for ten years, an event which draws 200-300 attendees annually. She volunteers regularly to help at the Darke County Republican fair tent and is a regular attendee at the Darke County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner. Over the years, Barbara has volunteered untold hours working at the Darke County Republican Headquarters and on candidate’s campaigns at all government levels ─ most recently as Darke County co-chairman for Governor Mike DeWine.

The Darke County Board of Elections has enjoyed Barbara’s dedication as a poll worker for 17 years.

She has served on the Darke County Metropolitan Housing Authority Board and has been a member of the Board of the Miami Valley Community Action Partnership, where she is currently serving as treasurer. Barbara is the President of the Darke County Community Action Partnership where she has served as a member of its board for 10 years. She is a member of the Board of the Cancer Association of Darke County where she is currently past president.

The governor of Kentucky commissioned Barbara with the title, “Kentucky Colonel” which is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Governor of Kentucky. Membership in the prestigious Kentucky Colonels is recognition of an individual's noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to their community, state, and nation.

Barbara has been married to her high school sweetheart, Hershel, for 56 years. They have three sons, seven grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.

DCRWC is a political group founded to provide political education and legislative information; provide a wider knowledge of the principles of the Republican Party; increase the number of registered Republicans; recruit, promote, and support qualified Republican women for political office; give exposure to and work actively for all Republican candidates; and lend support to the activities of other Republican organizations. The DCRWC is a multi-generational, multi-cultural organization providing the structure and support for political activists to learn, engage, and flourish. The Club is chartered by the National Federation of Republican Women and is a member of the Ohio Federation of Republican Women. For more information, visit: or email President Betty Hill at:

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