Finally, the month of July has gone out with some real summertime weather. The rain, wind and oppressive heat has subsided and now it seems like a real summer is here. August should bring more of the same, but let’s just hope it is more moderate than July was.
This has been a busy month in the Commissioner’s office. The Courthouse extension has started and seems to be on track for our December opening. We are aware that this has had an adverse effect on parking for the courthouse, but construction always inconveniences someone. We are trying to make the distractions and inconvenience as little as possible, so please bear with us while we complete this mandatory process.
July of course brings festivals and parades for us. The 4th of July saw us at the Ansonia parade, and because the weather was so hot, we noticed the crowd down a little, but still a very good parade. On the 6th, we were at New Madison and that parade was very well attended. Also we were at the annual Annie Oakley Festival and parade, that was one of the better parades they have had with over 100 entries there! Of course the same weekend was the Gathering at Garst, and they had another very successful event! Both festivals seemed to be very well attended. We want to thank all those who organize parades and festivals for all their hard work, and for inviting us to participate. We always enjoy getting to see so many people!
We had about 20 people apply for the Position of Administrator at the Jobs and Family services office. Gracie Overholser, the current administrator, has decided to retire at the end of the year. Gracie has been an outstanding administrator and deserves a long and peaceful retirement. She will be missed greatly! The Commissioners wish her the best. After narrowing down the field, we did extensive interviews with 4 applicants. All were very good, but we narrowed it down to 2, and they were both outstanding candidates. Both candidates work as department heads there now, and their skill sets, attitude, and work ethic would do them nicely as Administrator we felt. It was a tough decision, but we have selected Carla E. Allen of Versailles as the next Administrator. We are confident in her abilities and in her drive to continue the excellence we have at JFS. Congratulations to Carla and good luck in your new position!
We still have a few things to wrap up but for now, everything seems to be running smoothly. The elected officials and their staffs do a tremendous amount of good for the people of the County and if you see one of them, thank them for doing a mostly thankless job and doing it so well. They make Darke County what it is, and we are proud of the work they do!
August and fair time are here, so as is the case most years, this month should be slow in our office. We will still have our regular public sessions on Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 in the Commissioner’s Office, 520 south Broadway, just south of the Courthouse in Greenville. Try and stop by and see what is going on in your County! Hope to see you there!
The Darke County Commissioners
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