The Greenville Union Cemetery has scheduled their spring clean-up for the first week of March. During the clean-up all grave decorations will be removed and disposed of. The Trustees of the cemetery ask that any family who has a loved on buried in the cemetery and wish to keep the decorations to have them removed before March 1, 2020.
As a reminder of the cemetery rules; only one grave decoration is permitted except during special holidays. Shepherd hooks and decorations that interfere with mowing are not permitted. All holiday decorations are to be removed within a week of the holiday. No decorations of any kind are allowed from April1 to May 15.
The cemetery will be having the grass treated, so those who walk their pets should look for signs to protect their pets from any harm.
If their are any questions the public may call the cemetery office Monday through Thursday 9am - 3pm at (937) 548-3235.
The Cemetery Trustees wish to thank the public for their cooperation.
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