We are fast approaching that time of year… The smell of delicious maple syrup is coming from the sugar shack which means it’s time to sponsor a bucket and reserve your very own bottle of maple syrup made right here at Shawnee Prairie! Each sponsor will have his/her name placed on the sap bucket along the trail during the Maple Sugarin’ Festival on March 7.
“Amber Grade” ($25) sponsors will receive a 250 ml bottle of Darke County Parks maple syrup in a decorative maple leaf-shaped glass bottle. In addition to a bottle of maple syrup, “Fancy Grade” ($40) sponsors will receive two complimentary tickets to the Waffle & Sausage breakfast the morning of the festival.
This year, we’ve made it even easier to sponsor your bucket by accepting sponsorships through our website. Follow the link below, create/sign in to your account, and click “Sponsor a Bucket” under the memberships tab to get started. https://darkecoparks.recdesk.com/Community/Home .
Forms and payment will be due on February 21, 2020. If you have any questions, need help creating your account or sponsoring your bucket, please call the Nature Center at (937)548-0165. We are looking forward to another successful year of maple sugarin’!
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