Thursday, June 4, 2020

Annie’s Got You Covered

Sharre Grubb models the unique Annie Oakley mask.

Look closely at the masks from Garst Museum; they are truly unique! They are made from custom-designed fabric featuring the portrait of Annie Oakley. These distinctive masks are available exclusively at the Garst Museum Store. The store is presently taking online orders through the website at and shipping to customers. Garst Museum is preparing to reopen soon and will then offer the masks in the Museum Store in addition to online availability. Be stylish and safe!

Behind these masks, you will see the eyes and hearts of generous people. Sharre Grubb has made and donated over 500 masks to Garst Museum, Reid Health, Darke County General Health District, and Tri-Village Rescue; Lorri Vo assisted her in cutting the fabric for these one-of-a-kind Annie Oakley masks; and a loyal patron donated the fabric to the museum. The Coronavirus has presented all of us with challenges to maintain the lifestyles we embrace, but Sharre with her $50 sewing machine and the Annie Oakley Center Foundation are making that just a little easier–and adding pizazz to the mix.

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