Versailles will offer is its 69th annual Poultry Days barbecue on August 14-16th, 2020. While COVID related restrictions didn’t allow the social portions of the festival the community is moving forward with the annual barbecue. This community of 2,800 plans to sell 20,000 chicken dinners over the weekend. Join us in celebrating the 69th Annual Versailles Poultry Days, August 14-16th, 2020.
The Poultry Days festival is rooted in 69 years of community and family involvement. The festival has always been about neighbors, family, friends, classmates, and community coming together. The circumstances of 2020 will not change that. Even though Poultry Days will not host a large gathering, we encourage the community to responsibly embrace the spirit of the Poultry Days Festival. Get out your chicken decorations. Invite your friends and neighbors. Set up lawn chairs and games for the kids. Rekindle old friendships. And most importantly, enjoy that World Famous Poultry Days chicken!
Versailles is extremely proud that despite cancelling the social portion of the festival and COVID restrictions the festival has adapted and plans to sell a very impressive 20,000 dinners. Each dinner costs $8.00 and is sized for a single meal with half a chicken, Mike-Sells potato chips, Roll, Butter, Applesauce and the traditional Chilly Willy Orange Drink. All dinners will be assembled and distributed by volunteers wearing the appropriate PPE and in compliance with a plan approved by the Darke County Health Dept. Chicken sales will be at Heritage Park with cars entering the drive through from the north on Klipstine Road. There will not be a walk-up chicken line. The Chicken Drive Thru will open at 3:30 on Friday, 11:30 on Saturday and 11:00 on Sunday. Please come early because we plan to sell out each day.
The 2020 Festival Board is led by Lucas Subler. Festival Chairman Lucas Subler has been on the Poultry Days Board of Directors for 9 years. Lucas is employed at Classic Carriers, is a Versailles graduate and attended Bowling Green State University. Lucas resides in Versailles with his wife Courtney, and children Ariel, Kathryn and Alexander. Follow Poultry Days on Facebook for updates. Direct questions to and chicken questions to Don’t let COVID take away the best parts of summer. Established in 1952 and supporting summer fun for 69 years.
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