The Greenville Schools Foundation has over the past six years funded projects and purchases for Greenville students totaling well over $50,000 and include activities such as therapeutic recreational education for students with multiple disabilities. Purchases included musical instruments, a book vending machine, special education job skills lab supplies, and many more. These are things that make the educational experience at Greenville City Schools even more outstanding, and could not have been funded using conventional school district resources.
Additionally, the board administers the Robert and Mary Beasecker Engineering Scholarship award made possible by a generous donation made by the late Mr. and Mrs. Beasecker. In the last five years, the $5,000 Beasecker Scholarship has been awarded to eleven recipients: all Greenville students pursuing a college degree in an engineering field.
The directors of the foundation have recognized the need for members who are close to the students and staff of Greenville City Schools, such as parents of students or community members who take an active roll in the educational and extra-curricular activities of the schools. The board desires to preserve the rich 24-year history of foundation growth and support of Greenville students, and seeks to add one or two motivated directors to the panel. An additional director would face an exciting opportunity to use his or her talents to introduce new ideas and help administer existing programs.
If the thought of being a part of a long-standing and effective organization as a director interests you, please take the next step of calling Mr. Dave Ernst to discuss the details of such service. Dave is a long-time supporter of Greenville schools and is eager to speak with you about the Greenville Schools Foundation.
He can be reached at 547-5241 or 459-7967.
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