Thursday, October 29, 2009

Arcanum Quarter Craze - November 7th

Arcanum Fire Department, 208 W. Main Street Arcanum, Ohio
Bidding starts promptly at 3:00 p.m. and doors open at 2:00 p.m. for seating and shopping
Admission: $1.00 or 2 non-perishable food items
Proceeds to benefit local food banks

Featured Items: AVON, Creative Memories, Discovery Toys, Gold Canyon Candles, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Thirty-one Gifts, Tupperware, and Usborne Books **More Additions coming soon!!

Over 50 items: most are quarter bids! Bid on everything and spend about $35.00!!!!
Bring your friends and family!!! Person who brings the most guests will win a basket of prizes!!
Please bring your own Quarters! Food and Drink available for purchase!! Please No Non-Bidding Children!

**Charity Update!!**

Thanks for helping donate $236.70 to the Arcanum Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary!
For Reservations: Call Kayleigh Parks at (937) 336-1348. Seating is limited.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!! I am the president of the ADSN and we have just confirmed Longaberger as well. We are in the process of adding new companies daily. This is alot of fun and a great inexpensive way to get some Christmas shopping done. The AFD Ladies Auxiliary will have food available to purchase as well. Please come help support the local community. We are also taking donations for local food banks in need.


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