Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Darke T.E.A. Patriots - Meeting Report May 25, 2010

The meeting started with a prayer by Paster Joe LeMaster and the Pledge of Alligiance to our Flag by Red Skelton on a film clip from the 1950s. The meaning of the Pledge was deeply enhanced by the sincerety and honesty of the Skelton presentation.

A discussion, centered on organization finances, touched on a variety of possabilities from a monthly membership fee to donations for a specific activity/event and was tabled with an action item for the Executive Committee to review past expenses, determine an initial forcaste of expenses and to present a recommendation at the next regularly scheduled meeting on June 8, 2010.

Our first speaker for the evening, Jesse Leonard, began with a most unusual stirring presentation by about the United States Constitution. The knowledge level of the speaker consistently surprised the attentive audience. The time allocation was briefly forgotten based on the participation and appreciation of the audience. We all hope the he will return and continue with a second session.

Michael Blumenstock, our second speaker, had a tough act to follow but brought the audience into his presentation and received comments and support on virtually every topic that he briefly mentioned. The topics varied from education to morality, to courage and honor. The people present responded well and actively participated with the wide range of vital subject matter.

Harlene Holland was our featured speaker. She is running for the House of Representatives in District 29 in Dayton. She was asked to speak to the DARKE T.E.A. PATRIOTS because of her excellent speaking skills and the fact that she needs hands on help with her campaign. Her speech focused on essential aspects and needs in her district and coincidently concurred with the fundamentals mentioned in the first two speeches.

The Darke County Commissioners Committee Chair presented the first Committee Report.

The Committee for School Board Study made it first formal report.

The meetings for the next three months will be every other week. The next meeting will be held on June 8, 2010.

The Mission Statement Handouts prepared by Jerry Gasquez are excellent and were used effectively during the Arcanum Old Fashioned Days celebration this last weekend.

The two extremely positive comments from the last meeting were factored into this meeting hopefully with positive results.

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