Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Fire Blog is back

Now with its own chat box. The link is: (bookmark it and/or write it down because there won't be a regular link here).


  1. I really believe this sight is stupid and needs to be gone. It does nothing but starts bad carma between fire departments that may need to work together one day to save someones life or house. No one is any better than anyone else we all put are pants on the same way. Everyone has bad laundry. We dont need a sight for the world to see. Some thing are just better left within. Cant believe so many people can feed off of and start so much drama. there are way more impotant things to worry about than omg!! some fire dept put 50 gals of water on a fire instead of 100

  2. What you do not realize 11:57 is that even though we may have "bad karma" on this site from time to time we will never put our feelings toward each other in front of life, limb, or property. Despite how it may look on these sites, our jobs and responsibility to those we serve come before any animosity we may have toward each other. Public safety services is a family of sorts and just like siblings in any family, we will and do bicker from time to time.

  3. got a very good point but like family problems lets not let the whole world see lets be men and women and talk it out within ourselfs the site could be a good one lets just keep the trash out of it

  4. The blog looks half empty. No current articles posted and the chat box seems so dull.


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