Saturday, May 1, 2010

Greenville Township names new fire chief

The new chief is Ron Fletcher, the current assistant chief in the Englewood Fire Department. Fletcher was introduced in a small ceremony this morning.


  1. I think this one of the best headlines I have ever read on this site. Ron Fletcher is a great firefighter and a great leader. He has many many years in the fire service and if you have ever been around the Englewood Fire Department, you will see how well that department functions and a lot of that success comes from Fletcher himself. He has personally trained the majority of the very dedicated firefighters on the Greenville TWP FD so he will have no problem fitting right in. I think the morale on the department will get better and the departments relationship with all the county and city departments will also get better. I think it is a very good move for the Township firefighters and the township residents! Thank you Greenville Township trustees!!!

  2. While Ron Fletcher is a great person, ask youself this question when will he have the time to be the Chief of Greenville TWP Fd? Being Assist Chief at Englewood takes alot of time, being high up the chain of Region 3 Strike team takes up alot, and don't forget his instructor duties. Ron will do a good job, when and if he's around.

  3. They should look at hiring him full time to run both the fire and EMS departments, he has all "the right stuff" to take them to the next level.

  4. Smarter than a firefighterMay 6, 2010 at 2:53 PM

    What experience does Fletcher have in ems and what certifications does he hold. If I'm not mistaken, the top 3 at Greenville Rescue have at least 20yrs in EMS a piece, probably more. If you want to see how good patient care is by firefighters, go run a shift with the Dayton FD and see if that's how you would like your friends and family taken care of. Plus why would you make a full time chief for the township FD that maybe does 100 runs per year? Leave EMS in the hands of real professionals!

  5. Smarter than a firefighter,
    Really, yes, 20 years = good EMS providers, wow try spending time in the back of a medic in reality land, truth be told Dayton has some of the regions best medics, you get better by having more quality calls not making 20 trips to the old folks home. I bet you would be upset if you got called for a trip to the market, thats where Dayton gets it's bad name, they refuse calls. Also Fire/EMS is going together for a reason, better service someday Darke County will figure this out and don't even get me started on the Greenville/ Greenville TWP thing, how stupid can the tax payers be, someday maybe we'll go county Fire/EMS and really save some money.

  6. Smarter than a firefighter,

    Fletch is a Medic and has be for a looong time.

    "Leave EMS to the real professionals", you must be a Greenville EMS provider with no other skills.

  7. There is nothing wrong with being strictly an EMS provider and the Greenville Rescue crew is a damn good group of people ran by 3 very educated guys. There is no reason to go replace any of them. I do think the TWP would benefit from a coordinator for fire/ems and think it would be great to see cross training going on at the TWP. As for Fletcher, you don't need a Chief around all the time. Let your officers handle the calls. That is there job. Fletcher will make it up here for the big calls and the calls that come when he is in town. Departments have Captains and Lieutenants for a reason... not to mention an Assistant Chief. I think hiring Fletcher was a great move. He will bring a lot to the table as far as training and he is a Paramedic so getting the First Responder program up and running at the Fire Department will be good too!

  8. SMARTER than a firefighter,

    Thats what I would do run my mouth bout somthing you havent got a clue about. I love your kind. ha ha ha I just cant stop laughing ha ha

  9. Smarter than a firefighterMay 6, 2010 at 10:41 PM

    Sorry to burst your bubbles anonymous, I didn't know Fletchers background for EMS, and great for him if he is one. I used to run for Dayton, so don't tell me I don't know how they treat their patients moron. That's why I moved a lot farther south and I'm strictly in EMS now, and a lot happier. The only reason fire and ems is going together in places is that a departments call volume is 95% ems and 5% fire. Fire departments need ems to keep their jobs! Simple as that. I'm not a Greenville EMS provider, but they have a great bunch of guys that have been doing a terrific job for years. Why would you turn a volunteer FD into a part or full time FD with maybe 100 runs a year. Other volunteer dept do more calls than that and they do just fine. So like I said, let the professionals of EMS handle EMS. Great job Greenville Rescue. I can tell nomad, anonymous 956pm and 959pm must be firefighters since you know nothing about ems or probably fire for that matter. Good job on setting out cones and directing traffic on scenes, you probably have no other skills. How long does it take to go through fire school, level 2 at the fire academy, 6 weeks, and how long does it take to become a medic, almost 2 yrs including your basic. I guess we know who has the skill to save lives.

  10. you can finish your discussion at:

  11. Smarter than a firefighter,

    Ooops most of us firefighters are medics. I'm not one dimensional like yourself. As far as the level 2 thing yep, not that hard. The tech rescue stuff little harder, and yes medics was the hardest. But please stop being jealous of firefighters. As far as you being a Dayton FF, didn't get past probie, huh? No way you leave there for a darke county job. As far as the Volunteer thing, full time county Fire/EMS is the best bang for the buck. Maybe next time if you don't know a person try not saying anything.

    A Firefighter/Medic

  12. Very well said 12:27!!

  13. 12:27

    I worked in Dayton for several years and had DFD come into my facility to take patients out. And yes I was a seasoned paramedic dealing with DFD at that time. Durring that time I saw the lack of professionalism, care, compassion, and intelligence from DFD medics. I have known Darke County Paramedics who went to DFD and spoke of the lack of professionalism in that department. And yes, that medic made it past probation and is still there. Unfortunatly, he fell into the DFD gorilla mentality. Their fire might be good, but thier medics suck. As for your other comments, lets take DJ's suggestion and move this over to the fire blog and pick this up there.

  14. take it to the fire blog:

  15. DJ

    Would if I could, no ones ever there.

  16. not my problem :)

    it's up to you to make the fire blog the cool place to go


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