A possible return of our tax dollars to the state
Ohio is among the 18 state finalists in the “Race for the Top” with funding of 4.35 billion dollars. Tennessee and Delaware, first round winners, have been awarded 600 million dollars. Regionally, Montgomery County schools stand to receive approximately 4 million dollars. How much do Darke County schools anticipate receiving?
“Race to the Top” ignores bricks, mortar and the age of school buildings. Instead it rewards states that tie teacher evaluation to student performance. The education overhaul includes tougher standards for teachers to receive tenure while making it easier for them to lose it. The competition has already convinced 29 states to adopt common learning standards for language and math.
We have always supported school levies for brick and mortar issues even though in our own profession, ranging from universities to the smallest rural hospitals, we have seen absolutely no correlation between the physical facility and the quality of care given at the professional level.
Recently we have seen numerous new schools built in west central Ohio. The questions we have for educators: Have student test scores and graduation rates improved? Has the number of students going to and graduating from college increased? Have the new schools retained old industries and attracted new while decreasing the unemployment rate?
How have Darke County schools participated in our state effort to regain our tax dollars contained in the “Race for the Top” program? Did they send in the required application? Without such an application, none of these precious tax dollars will return to Darke County.
Our observations in medicine, agriculture, business and even athletics, are that those not eagerly racing for the top are usually sinking to the bottom. We do not think any industry will be attracted to a community where the race for the top does not include the educational system.
Charles E. Reier MD, Rebecca A. Reier
I can only speak for my employer (a county school district), but we did apply for the Race to the Top program, however Ohio was not a finalist in the latest cut. To your second point, we have seen significant increases in testing results and graduation rates since our "new" school was built. Hopefully Greenville City Schools will have the pleasure of seeing these same results. Everyone, please vote yes for the sake of our children and the economy of our county!
ReplyDeleteSo you can't be a good teacher without a new school? You need to find a new line of work.