While I support the Greenville schools with property taxes I do not have the opportunity to cast my vote in favor of the levy. I live in Powell, Ohio which lies within the Olentangy School District. Property taxes are approximately $2000 per $100,000 valuation. By comparison Greenville is a slam dunk deal.
I am fortunate to own multiple properties in the Greenville School District. While I do not like paying property taxes any more than the next person, I fully support the levy and have encouraged my tenants to vote for the levy without threat of raised rent payments. Greenville needs to build new schools and rid themselves of outdated high maintenance buildings. The Class of 1962 was the last high school class to graduate from the old high school. The "new" high school is 47 years old. The old high school, now the middle school, is crumbling and requires extensive and costly maintenance.
Those who oppose the levy because they want a new high school rather than a middle school and those who believe the school board purchased the property for the new school under false pretenses are simply hanging their hats on rumors and misinformation in order to have a basis for opposition. Those who seek an excuse will find it. Those who acquaint themselves with the facts will cast an informed vote based on their individual assessment of need.
I invite all those who have a vote in the upcoming election to raise my taxes. Go ahead, make my day!
Lew Crowell
Thank you, Lew. It's nice to hear that from a landlord, especially one who has ties here and can speak about what other communities pay. Our kids and community need the new school.
ReplyDeleteYes, rents will go up..
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this article Lew. I was amazed when I researched what other communities were paying in taxes for there schools. Greenville by far is one of the lowest taxed communities when it comes to the schools. For those of you who are voting no I hope for some life changing reason you end up in a community that supports there schools !!
ReplyDeleteHow long do you think it will take to see the flood of new business streaming into the area that the tax hike people are claiming we will see? How long after the new school is built will we see another levy for operating expenses for upkeep on the new building? This is the last chance....until the next chance. What a joke, vote no.
ReplyDeleteVOTE NO NO NO
ReplyDeleteI agree with Robert....next they will need an operating levy....VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo one is claiming there will be a "flood of new business." If you had paid attention, you would see that the new school will be a step in the right direction of improving our community's value and image, which will appeal to future potential businesses. The school is not a magic pill.
Also, operating expenses are built into this school. In addition, the efficiencies of this school will reduce operating expenses compared to the current buildings.
You obviously dont care about improving the community Robert so move !!
ReplyDeleteUnless you don't work for a living.
New school buildings have NOTHING (zero) to do with improved SAT/ACT scores. Capable teachers and excellent programs that demand results improve students. Accountability, not bricks and glass prodcue better outcomes.
And of course, when a new school is constructed, a NEW GYM would be required also. One foot larger than the next competing school system gym to be sure. But of course .... so mommy and daddy can watch their offspring hop around or run around performing a sport that will NEVER make them a dime in the world market place.
Then someone, usually people who make money (duh?), will have to pay for that new facility, the maintenance, etc. Not the persistent welfare bums and perpetually unemployed in a dying economy. It's pretty difficult to tax someone who has no income, but their eight children would probably like a new school too.
RUN elsewhere if you desire something for your children except more of the same that you have now!!
Dickey, all we have heard is business will come if we build a new school. You denying that is silly. Truth is you have no proof of any business that will come here if a new school is built. Of course you tax hike people also claim we are getting as "rebate". What a joke, vote no.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lew for your letter. My husband and I live and own rental property in Greenville and we both fully support the upcoming levy. I wish more people would put aside their "fixed income" issues and think about the future our community. Let's face it - everyone basically has a "fixed income" - I don't know anyone who has a money tree growing in their backyard.
ReplyDeleteThank you to all owners of rental property who see the value in having quality schools in our community.
ReplyDeleteYou are indeed blessed to own several properties while there are many in this community can barely keep their heads above water and keep their homes. The brochure I received today stated there will be a senior citizen room-what is the purpose of that! If the levy passes I give it a yr before that senior citizen room is changed over to something else. But for now it looks good to our seniors and hopefully they will vote yes-isn't that the purpose of such an idea. Wait and see there will be future levies if this one passes so one better be saving more than the 2.00 a wk needed for this levy.
ReplyDeleteThat supposed senior citizens room is a bribe. They think seniors are dumb enough to be swayed to vote for this thing over a silly room. It would not last a year before it was needed for the children. You people realize they are going to drop big bucks on a courthouse don't you? Who will pay for that. Oh wait maybe we will all get a "rebate" tax check. Vote no.