Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mike Stegall will be at Smith’s Coffeehouse Saturday, May 7th 2011

In fulfilling a campaign promise that I made to make your County Commissioners more accessible, I will be at Smith’s Coffeehouse in Arcanum on Saturday, May 7th 2011, from 8 until 10 a.m. I will be answering your questions about the County or any other topics that affect your lives. I firmly believe that better communication between elected officials and the people makes for much better government. Government belongs to the people, not those who govern. This is your chance to ask questions and to find out what we are doing in the Commissioners office that affects you.

Smith’s Coffeehouse is located at 109 West George Street in downtown Arcanum. I look forward to seeing you there!

Mike Stegall- County Commissioner

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