Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Grant Winners Named by Greenville Schools Foundation

The Greenville Schools Foundation announces the winners of the 2011 grants, which totaled $5,656, an increase over last year’s contribution. This is the 11th year the Foundation has been able to award grants, which help to fund programs that promote excellence in the classroom.

The 2011 grants were awarded for the following proposals:

$500 to be used by the literary specialist to purchase a 20 book “Text Talk” kit. The literary specialist will train parents of kindergarteners to use these books at home. The parents will read with their children and ask appropriate questions about the material. The hope is that this program will raise student and parent interest in reading. (Grant proposal submitted by Heather Crews and Krista Stump of Woodland Heights)

A $900 grant for removal of a sink area in the media center and replacing it with shelving and storage, in order to create a visually appealing “interest area.” This area will have displays of books that will draw students in and create excitement about books and reading. (Grant proposal submitted by Kay Sloat of East School)

A grant of $900 to purchase a laptop computer that is compatible with the current LCD projector, so that the teacher can demonstrate computer operations to the entire class. (Grant proposal submitted by Wil Raby of Greenville Junior High)

A grant of $1000 to be used to purchase an LCD projection system and screen in order to allow the teacher to demonstrate art techniques for the entire class, rather than individually or in small groups. This will allow the students to spend their classroom time more productively, as they will not need to wait for the teacher to give individual demonstrations. (Grant submitted by Nicole Hawk, Greenville Junior High)

$1200 to be used to purchase an LCD projector to use with the available document cameras and whiteboard. (Grant submitted by Lori Keller and Jill Davis of Greenville High School)

An $855 grant to be used to provide baseline data for “Bridges to College” on graduates from Greenville High School, in order to better serve students in future programming, as well as to provide data to the guidance office, the Career Tech Department and other high school offices or departments as needed. (Grant proposal submitted by Beth Sears, Greenville High School)

A $301 partial fulfillment of a grant request by the Greenville Vocal Music Boosters to help defray the cost of hosting the OMEA (Ohio Music Education Association) District 11 Solo and Ensemble contest. Costs of hosting include: piano rental, risers, and Digital Telex Headset system. (Grant proposal submitted by Joyce Conrad for the GVMB, Greenville High School)

The Greenville Schools Foundation considers many factors when awarding grants, including the following: the number of students who will benefit, the amount of the proposal, the effect the grant may have on the district report card, and the potential of the grant to promote academic excellence, fine and performing arts, or general enrichment programs.

The Greenville Schools Foundations was formed in 1998 and began awarding grants in 2001. The initial major fundraising drive was “The Wave Way,” a commemorative brick plaza located in front of Greenville High School. This project raised not just necessary funds, but also created an attractive plaza where people could pay a lasting tribute to Greenville High School.

If you would like to immortalize your memories of your time at Greenville High School, or do so on behalf of a loved one, these bricks are still available. They make wonderful gifts for recent graduates. To obtain more information about purchasing a brick please contact the Greenville City Schools, Central Office at Memorial Hall (937-548-3185) or go online to:

Another fundraiser planned for the fall will be a dinner and silent auction, which has become a tradition and is held at Romer’s Catering on East Main.
Watch for more details in future articles.

During the school year, local businesses and individuals sponsor touchdowns in football or three-point shots in basketball, contributing a specified amount each time one of these goals is made. The Foundation appreciates the generosity of these donors, as well as the athletic department’s cooperation in raising these funds.

We continue to have other fundraisers as needed to support the grants that are handed out each year in order to promote excellence in the classroom.
The Foundation also accepts cash donations, in-kind donations of services or materials, life insurance and endowment insurance policies.

To learn more about the Greenville Schools Foundation, contact Suzanne Brown, chairwoman; Sam Suter, Bruce Agne, Jonie Drew, Dianne Brown Mary Ann Caldwell, Gretchen Davis, Loretta Etzell, Nicole Harrison, Chris Hayes, Patti Jetter, John Person, of Jim Sommer or visit the school website:

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