Saturday, June 18, 2011

Carla Surber Wins Gourmet Dinner Raffle

From left to right: Jessie and Geoff Surber, Pat Lemmer, Carla Surber, Gourmet Dinner Winner, with host Julie Graber behind her and Carla’s husband, Jim Surber standing. Jim and Enid Goubeaux were also guests of the Surbers.

Carla Surber of Greenville was this year's winner of the annual Cancer Association of Darke County's Gourmet Dinner for Eight Raffle. The dinner took place Saturday, May 21, at the home of Tom and Julie Graber, Greenville. The Grabers are a part of the group that prepares, serves and cleans up from this special dinner.

Eikenberry's Super Valu once again donated the ingredients for the dinner. Minuteman Press donated the tickets for the raffle, which was held at the February board meeting for the Cancer Association. The meal was prepared by volunteers who are some of the members of the Gourmet Dinner Club of Greenville: Randy & Amy Breaden, Tom & Suzie Brown, Tom & Julie Graber, Steve & Eileen Litchfield, Anne Brumbaugh and Bill & Kris Osterbur. They were assisted by volunteers Jeff Besecker of the Eaterie Foods blog and Leslie Suter. All proceeds went to the locally operated and independent Cancer Association of Darke County (CADC).

The menu began with beef roulades with gorgonzola and arugala while the guests enjoyed time in the Graber’s livingroom. The first course, was a cold spring pea soup with rosemary cream followed by mushroom filled spinach raviolis with a beurre blanc. The entrĂ©e was Tommy Bahamas Sanibel Chicken with a roasted red pepper sauce, leek risotto and fresh broccoli. Dessert was crepes suzette with homemade vanilla ice cream.

The Cancer Association is a cancer help agency located at 209 East 4th Street in Greenville. They assist cancer patients from Darke County in a variety of ways. They provide transportation for patients going to cancer treatment centers, or can provide mileage reimbursement for patients with their own transportation. They provide financial help for purchasing cancer related medications for those patients who do not have prescription benefits. They provide the nutritional supplement, Ensure, free of charge. The CADC promotes education in the early detection and treatment of cancer, and supports research by making a yearly donation to the James Cancer Research Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Any Darke County resident with a diagnosis of cancer can receive these and other services by registering at the Cancer Association office. Office hours at Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to noon and 1 PM to 4:30 P.M.

The Cancer Association will again sponsor a gourmet dinner raffle in January 2012. Raffle will be available in late December. Maybe you will be the 2012 winner!

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