Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Winners of Annie's Wild Raffle

Annie congratulates the happy winners of Annie’s Wild Raffle! These lucky people won the three Prizes. Steve Mehaffie from Greenville won the iPad2; Renee Glasscoe, of Pitsburg, won the handmade contemporary quilt by Charlotte Paugh; and Brenda Ballengee, Greenville, won the 32" flat screen TV. The event was deemed a huge success, Montage supplied a great light buffet, the Honorable Jim Buchy was the MC, and Mike Baker was the talented auctioneer.

Many thanks to: The Andersons, The Bistro Off Broadway, Dave Knapp Ford, Dickman Supply, The Early Bird, Ball Publishing Company,Lowell and Monty Hamilton, Western OH Podiatric Medical Center and Zechar Bailey Funeral Homes Special thanks to sponsors: Wayne HealthCare and Dr. H.W. Mergler.

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