Wednesday, July 6, 2011

199 Years Ago in Greenville... (Submitted by Elaine Holzapfel)

Two girls, Patsy and Anna Wilson, ages 8 and 14, were killed by Indians near the present Greenville City Park in 1812 as they were picking berries. Their cabin probably stood on or near the location of Greenville Senior High School, and they would have been buried somewhere nearby. Just another atrocity similar to all those committed on both sides during wars.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to see this come up with the anniversary of the War of 1812 coming up. The Gathering at Garst committee has determined next years event will be geared towards commemorating that pivotal historic occasion. We hope to shed light on both the Native American element as well as that of the pioneer settlers in this area. Plans are also in discussion to feature a military reenactment element to next years Gathering as well.


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