Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Municipal Court Candidate Jesse Green Participated in Ansonia's 4th of July Parade

Jesse Green (on the far left) with friends
and supporters in Ansonia on July 4th.
On Monday, thirty people donning "Green" shirts joined candidate Jesse Green on the parade route in Ansonia. Green walked the crowd, shaking hands and greeting people. At least twenty of those supporters then followed Mr. Green to New Madison to do it all over again!

Jesse Green is currently an Assistant Prosecutor in Darke County as well as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Ohio Army National Guard, and he currently serves as the Command Staff Judge Advocate for the 73rd Troop Command in Columbus, Ohio.

Green is running for Darke County Municipal Court Judge in November.

For more information, please visit


  1. And? Judge Jullie Monnin & supporters did too...where is the article on that?

  2. One point in the Jesse Green platform sticks out as a source for question for me. I take this as a direct quote from Jesse' web site- "The municipal court should be run as a business. Before any budget is approved or new expenses incurred, the question should be asked: 'Is this expense to the taxpayer necessary?” What data is being used to determine this in the current operating system for Greenville? Is the public being allowed to participate in these decisions? I see this as being one of the downfalls which are causing our recent rash of cutbacks. The City hired a private firm to enact a Developmental and Planning Strategy in 2000, yet from all appearances, they are either deviating the outlines suggestions in that plan or not acting on them at all. And where is the public participation in that equation?

    I mean no disrespect to Jesse and his platform, as I am attempting to grasp our current economic situation and the role we as citizens and a community planning unit should be responding. I am hearing far more talk about short term, band aid reductions and nothing of future vision on the organization and execution of a successful development strategy.

    I have searched for something representing Julie Monnin's running platform and to no avail? Apparently none exists or it is not easily accessible to the public, which is a shame. It's hard to make an informed decision about a candidate when do information is shared.

  3. @Eaterie-
    I am sure Mr. Green would be more than happy to address your questions and expand on them as much as possible. I believe his website offers a place for you to leave your name and ask questions, giving him a chance to respond to you personally if you would like.
    He is a stand-up guy, and I know you will be quite impressed with him if you allow him that opportunity.

  4. Monin supporters are about as childish as it gets. This is a perfect example.

  5. More of Mr. Greene's personality and the issues his platform stands upon need to be brought to the fore front. His campaign site lacks these elements and reads like it was a copy and paste from any other politician running for an office in any location. I say this as a helpful aside. Most folks struggle to properly relay their intent properly, no matter the business. It would benefit area voters if candidates would share more ideas on the plans they hope to carry out while in office. We all hope our elected have some basal character which is prevailing in all elected officials. Let us see your strategy and game plan, then allow us to be able to trade these ideas with you in an open forum so our input and creativity can also be called upon. After all, those are the principles our country was founded on. This is where we are leading astray and creating the havoc inherent in our system of governance.

  6. Many people are very unaware that judicial candidates have different rules. There is very little that they are permitted to legally discuss in public. They are not like other candidates such as Mayor or Commissioner; they must abide by far more strict campaign guidelines.

  7. It would be great if someone who was well versed in those guidelines would share that info. A well informed public is more apt to be active.


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