Dane Leeper, President of Darke County Civic Theater is happy to announce that Civic Theater and the Annie Oakley Committee are celebrating 10 years of partnering to bring old fashioned melodrama fun to the community. Dane can't believe how quickly 10 years have flown by and he encourages everyone in the community to come out to Annie Oakley Days to catch Civic Theater's latest fun filled show.
This years show is titled Dirty Work Afoot or How to Dig Your Fortune In Ten Easy Lessons by Sherry Roseberry and presented with special permission from Eldridge Publishing Company. The story begins with villainous Bernard Blackburn, in debt up to his mustache, plotting with crooked insurance agent, Godfrey Patterson, to marry innocent and beautiful Polly Goodson. After the death of her father, Polly believes she is penniless, but Patterson knows that her father's insurance policy is worth thousands...thousands that Blackburn wants to steal from poor innocent Polly! Blackburn thinks his plan to marry Polly is flawless, that is until he meets her family.
Crazy Grandpa Goodson, a sister obsessed with Amazons, a sling shot toting little brother, and a disapproving maid keep Blackburn on his toes. On top of it all, there's Polly's fine upstanding neighbor, John Trueheart, for whom Polly has a great deal of affection. Blackburn convinces Trueheart to go off in search of his fortune before asking for Polly's hand in marriage. This allows Blackburn to bring in his accomplice, Freeda Pane, who pleads Blackburn's case to Polly.
Join the Civic Theater cast, Sandy Hartley, Alex Stigler, Mark Howell, Megan Neff, Quinton Gray, Larry Holmes, Bill Murphy, Taylor Dorn, Lyn Foureman, Didi Lachat, Elizabeth Penrod, James Maloney, Simon Hoying and Olivia Leeper, as they work their magic on the melodrama stage.
Performances are Friday, July 29th at 7:00 pm; Saturday, July 30th at 3:00 pm and at 7:00 pm; and Sunday, July 31st at 1:00 pm. All performances are at the Youth Building at the Darke County Fairgrounds and are free with your paid ticket into the festival. Come early to check out the vendors, enjoy a delicious snack, and then come boo the villain and cheer the hero! We will be showcasing some of Darke County's finest talent, twenty minutes prior to all performances. Visit our website for more info: www.darkecountycivictheater.com . If you have any questions, please call Dane Leeper at 937-337-2265.
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