Friday, March 2, 2012


The Darke County Sheriff’s Office has received information that surrounding counties are experiencing a rash of burglaries. Darke County has also experienced a few thefts and break-ins recently. Suspicious activity and persons have been reported in East Central Darke County in the past two weeks. This criminal activity has been occurring primarily during the daytime. The method of operation for most daytime burglars is to approach the residence and knock on the door. If a resident answers they will have a false story such as they are lost or out of gas. In most cases they will leave and move on to the next potential target. If no one answers the door the thieves typically walk around the property trying doors and windows assessing the opportunity to enter. If forced entry is used they usually choose points of access less visible from the road or neighbors. Items most commonly stolen include electronics, firearms, cash and jewelry.

Darke County Sheriff’s Deputies continue to be vigilant in patrols; however we need the assistance of our local citizens. Darke County Sheriff Toby L. Spencer asks citizens to be on the look out and immediately report any suspicious activity they might observe. Such activity can be reported to the Sheriff 24 hours a day by calling 937-548-2020. If you believe there is a crime in progress call 911. It is important that reports are called in at the time they are observed to allow the deputies a timely response and investigation. If able to do so safely, please provide a description of any vehicles or persons associated with the suspicious activity. Please do not delay in making this call.

The Darke County Sheriff makes the following suggestions to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime. Lock the doors to your home and secure outbuildings. Do not leave garage and outbuilding doors standing open unnecessarily. This only advertises your valuables to thieves that may be scouting your neighborhood for their next victim. Do not open your door to people you do not know or are not expecting. If someone tries to force entry into your residence loudly inform them you have called law enforcement and they are on the way. Go to a safe place in your home and barricade yourself if possible. Stay on the telephone with the 911 dispatcher.

The Darke County Sheriff encourages property owners to record and document manufacturer names, model numbers and serial numbers to their valuables. This information is necessary to increase the chances of property recovery if you should become a victim of crime and sustain a theft.

When citizens and law enforcement work together we make our community a less attractive place for criminals and a safer place to live and work.

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